I started off 2016 by saying that this was gonna be an awesome year. I wasn't just being trite; it was actually a sincere feeling of anticipation of better things to come. Of course, I had no idea what was going to happen but I knew one thing for certain - I was gonna make things happen.

Given you can't just sit back and wait for things to occur, I figured I would grab the bull by the horns and ask for what I wanted. Whether it be connecting with someone who I could learn from or who I could help out, or proactively reaching out to a brand to learn more and begin discussions about partnering or taking much better photos - everything I did in 2016 was done purposefully. Nothing was random - and the results have thankfully paid off. I've even surprised myself with the amount of engagement on Instagram and how many people have reached out and complimented my blog. Honestly I had no idea if anyone else besides my mom and best friends would read it! I actually have companies who reach out to me instead of the other way around. Again - just not something I would have imagined occurring even this time last year. Turning that tide was huge for me. It's not just an indication of the fruits of my labour but also realizing there's a shift toward the micro-influencer. 

But I'm nowhere near done. Not even close. There's no much I need to improve on and constantly refine my approach. I've learned that blogging isn't a science but an art. A disciplined art, I'll give you that. I've got so many things to work on - from building my Pinterest following to the way I've organized my site to Facebook and everything else in between. When you're doing this type of passion project on your own, you are often burning the midnight oil. 

So I recently cracked open my new 2017 planner and was thinking about all the things I want to accomplish next year. There are already so many things in the works I can't wait to share them with you. People often think these collaborations just happen - oh, more often than not, they don't just happen. As bloggers, we're constantly pounding the pavement. It's a 24/7 hustle - but I love it and the friendships I've made along the way.

And 2017 will be even better; I can feel it. I've already got a few trips planned to Europe, including  Fashion Week in Paris - my yearly pilgrimage for the last five years. I'll be headed back there with my bestie this time - no better way to have fun than a girls' trip to the City of Light, right? No matter how often I go there I will constantly be inspired by the many facets of that city. The beauty and the grit and more recently, its resilience in the face of tragedy. It's a place that's been my second home for many years (as my boyfriend lived there for five years) so it's a source of both comfort and endless inspiration. I can't wait to see what comes out of those moments of clarity and excitement and to share that with you.

What does 2017 hold for you?
