Why Cities — The Vancouverite


As many of you know, I travel a fair amount. In my travels, I often meet some of the nicest and most fascinating people. Let’s face it - everyone has a story to tell and once in a while I love to recount those stories when I return home. I’ve been thinking more recently about how to capture some of these stories in a way that also can benefit others.

Everyone loves to travel or at least aspires to travel, if given the opportunity. Before they head somewhere, an abundance of research is conducted by combing travel websites, Pinterest, other social media platforms or even thumbing through travel books. What’s often missing from that bundle of information, however, is the local perspective - directly from a true local. So I’ve set out to discover not only where locals like to go eat but also why they live there in the first place. What’s their motivation? Where are their favourite places to hide and decompress? The answers to these questions may sometimes be similar across a few individuals, but their backstory of why they live there, or how they ended up in that city, are unique and worth sharing. That’s where the richness comes in.

I hope you think so too.

As always, I look forward to your feedback. And if you would like to be part of this project, please send me a mail.